Sunday, May 17, 2009

Class News for Week of May 18

Hey gang, the days are fading very quickly now! Here is an update for this week:

1 - All projects and Moodle assignments are due Wednesday and Thursday (depending on your class).
2- We will be in the lab almost everyday, but you should find time outside of class to work on the assignments.

Any other questions, let me know.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Class News for Week of May 11th

Hey gang. The homestretch has begun!!! Here are a few things to keep in mind about the next week or two:

1 - Make sure that you are completing the Daily Logs on Moodle ON TIME. If they are late, you will NOT get full credit.

2 - You MUST take all three quizzes about Africa before the end of next week.

3 - You must complete all eight summarizers before the end of next week.

4 - The extra credit for May is due this Friday.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May Extra Credit

Here are the five extra credit questions for the month of May. Each is worth two points for a grand total of ten poins (possibly) if you answer each of them correctly. As always, please hand your answers in on a 5x7 notecard.

1. Which island territory has a larger population - New Caledonia or St. Helena?

2. Which river has a larger drainage area - The Rhone River or the Niger River?

3. Which country has a shorter coastline - India or El Salvador?

4. Which country has more arable land - Qatar or Cambodia?

5. Which peninsula has a larger area - Yucatan or Jutland?